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Support Your Local Farms By Buying At A Local Farmer's Market

New Hampshire Farmers Markets

New Hampshire Farmers Market

Here we are in the middle of May! Usually we are preparing for the New Hampshire Farmers Markets, but due to the pandemic, many New Hampshire Farmers Markets are postponing their openings this year.

I don’t think there is any doubt that the farmers markets should go on, with proper procedures in place for social distancing and personal safety.

Unfortunately, some of the people in high places disagree and insist on trampling on the rights of our citizens.

I mean, come on! Our state motto is “Live Free Or Die” for God’s sake.

Regardless of your political affiliation, I think we can all agree that New Hampshire Farmers Markets should go on as scheduled.

Here is a list of 2020 New Hampshire Farmers Markets.

2020 New Hampshire Farmers Markets

Barnstead Farmers Market – 96 Maple Street/Route 28, Center Barnstead, Saturdays, June 13–Sept. 26, 9am-1pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh flowers, local dairy, local maple goods, local baked goods, local meat, crafts. Rain or shine. info@barnsteadfarmersmarket.club

Bedford Farmers Market – Saint Elizabeth Seton Parish parking lot, 190 Meetinghouse Road Tuesdays, June 16-Sept. 29, 3-6pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local dairy, local maple goods, local baked goods, local fish, local meat, local honey, local wine, local beer, prepared foods, Kids tent, live music. Rain or shine.       bedfordfarmermarketnh@gmail.com

Bethlehem Farmers Market – Corner of Park Avenue & Main Street Saturdays, May 2020-October 17, 9-2 pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local dairy, local maple goods, local baked goods, local fish, local meat, crafts.

Canaan Farmers Market – Routes 4 & 118, on the Common. Sundays., end of May-early Oct., 10am-2p. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh flowers, local dairy, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, local honey, crafts. Rain or shine. fieldacresfarm@gmail.com

Canterbury Community Farmers Market – Elkins Library parking area and field, 9 Center Road, Wednesdays, June-September, 4-6:30pm Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh flowers, local baked goods, local dairy, local maple goods, local meats, crafts. live music and kid’s activities. Rain or shine.                                                      canterburyfarmersmarket@gmail.com

Claremont Farmers and Artisans Market – Harvard Avenue, Sundays 8am-1pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local dairy, local maple goods, local baked goods, local fish, local meat, crafts, live music. Rain or shine.

Concord Farmers Market – Capitol Street, Saturdays, May 9-October 24 , 8:30am-12pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh flowers, local meats, local dairy, local maple goods, baked goods, fresh pasta, local beer, local wine, alpaca wool, local soaps, crafts, live music.

Dover Farmers Market – Chamber of Commerce lot, 550 Central Avenue, Wednesdays, June-September, 2:15-6pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, crafts. Rain or shine. info@seacoastgrowers.org

Durham Farmers Market – Jackson’s Landing, 10 Piscataqua Road, Mondays, June-September, 2:15-5:30pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, crafts. Rain or shine. info@seacoastgrowers.org

Exeter Farmers Market – Seacoast School of Technology Parking lot, 30 Linden Street, Thursdays, May 7-October 29, 2:15-6 pm.Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local dairy, local maple goods, local baked goods, local fish, local meat, crafts. Rain or shine.                                                                                                                                        info@seacoastgrowers.org

Francestown Community Market – Francestown Town Hall, Fridays, April-December, 4-7pm, April-September. 4-6:30 pm, October-December. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, crafts. recreation@francestownnh.org

Gorham Farmers Market – On the Common, 69 Main Street, Thursdays, June-September, 3-6pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh flowers, local dairy, baked goods, local meat, local jams and jellies, local eggs, local honey, prepared foods, local soap, crafts live music, cooking demonstrations, cornhole boards. Rain or shine.                                      jstewart@gorhamnh.org

Lancaster Farmers’Market – Centennial Park, Main Street, Saturdays, May –early October, 9am-12pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, prepared foods, local wine, crafts, live music. ifmarketmanager@gmail.com

Lebanon Farmers Market – Colburn Park, 51 North Park Street,Thursdays, mid-May-mid-October, 3-7pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, local dairy, baked goods, local meat, prepared foods, crafts, live music. jessica.giordani@lebanonnh.gov

Lee Farmers Market – Lee Public Works, corner of Mast Road and Recycling Center Road, Thursdays, June-September, 3-6pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local dairy, local maple goods, local baked goods, local fish, local meat, local goat cheese, local honey, crafts. Rain or shine.                                                                                             esawtelles@aol.com

Lisbon Main Street Farmers MarketWalter Young Parking lot, Lisbon, Thursdays, July-October., 3-6p.m. Fresh vegetables, Fresh flowers, local maple goods, local meat, teas, lotions, soaps, crafts. Rain or shine.  info@lisbonmainstreet.org

Littleton Farmers Market – River Glen Lane, Sundays, June-October, 10am-1pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, local dairy, baked goods, local meat, prepared foods, crafts, live music. Rain or shine. littletonfarmersmarket@gmail.com

Merrimack Farmers Market – Vault Storage parking lot, 526 Daniel Webster Highway, Wednesdays, June-October, 3-6pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, prepared foods, local wine, crafts. Rain or shine. merrimackfarmersmarket@gmail.com

Milford Outdoor Farmers Market – 300 Elm Street, Saturdays, June 13-October 10, 10am-1pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, local cheese, local goat milk, baked goods, local meat, local fish, local beer, local wine, local honey, local jams, local black garlic, live music.                                                                                milfordnhfarmersmkt@gmail.com

Nashua Farmers Market – 146-182 Main Street, Sundays, June 21-October 18, 10am-2pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh flowers, local meats, local dairy, local maple goods, baked goods, fresh pasta, local beer, local wine, alpaca wool, local soaps, crafts, live music. Rain or shine.                                                                                            paulwshea@downtownnashua.org

New Boston Farmers Market – Town Common, corner of Route 13 and Meetinghouse Road, Saturdays, June-October, 10am-1pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, local honey, local jams, local soap, local fiber products, jewelry. Rain or shine.                                                                                                   jx243@aol.com

Newport Farmers Market – Town Common, Fridays, June-September, 3-6 pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, goat milk soap, dog treats, crafts. Rain or shine. newportfarmersmarketnh@gmail.com

Peterborough Farmers Market – Peterborough Community Center, 25 Elm Street, Wednesdays, April-December, 3-6pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, crafts. Rain or shine.

Portsmouth Farmers Market – City Hall, 1 Junkins Avenue, Saturdays, May-November, 8am-1pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local dairy, local meat, crafts. Rain or shine.      info@seacoastgrowers.org

Rindge Farmers and Crafters Market – West Rindge Common, Route 202, Thursdays, May 14-October 8, 3-6pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local dairy, local meat, local honey, crafts. Rain or shine. rindgefm@aol.com

Salem New Hampshire Farmers Market – Salem Market Place, 224 North Broadway, Sundays, year-round, 10am-12pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local dairy, local meat, mushrooms, prepared foods, local honey, local soap, knife sharpening. Rain or Shine.                                                                  info@salemnhfarmersmarket.org

Tamworth Farmers Market – Unitarian Church parking lot, 30 Tamworth Road, Saturdays, May-October, 9am-1pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, local dairy, baked goods, local meat, prepared foods, crafts, live music. Rain or shine.                                                                                                                       farmersmarkettamworth@gmail.com

Wakefield Farmers Market – Route 16, Saturdays, Memorial Day-Columbus Day, 9am-3pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, local honey, local jams, local soap, local fiber products, crafts. Rain or shine.

Warner Area Farmers Market – 5 East Main Street, Saturdays, May-October, 9am-1pm Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, local honey, local jams, local soap, local fiber products, crafts. Rain or shine.

Wilmot Farmers Market – 9 Kearsarge Valley Road, Saturdays, June-September, 9am-12pm. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh flowers, local maple goods, baked goods, local meat, local honey, local jams, local soap, local fiber products, crafts, live music. Rain or shine.                                                                                                                                          donnaardena@gmail.com

That is my fairly exhaustive list of New Hampshire Farmers Markets. I have tried to include contact information when I had it available.

Please contact each farmers market before you plan to attend so that you can determine if they are opening this year and when.

Hopefully, I will see you at these New Hampshire Farmers Markets this year!

Return to Home Page.

Springtime On The Farm

It is springtime here at New Hope Farms! It is my favorite time of year and probably the busiest.

Spring on the farm

I started this blog to in order to let you know what is going on here at Hew Hope Farms throughout the year and to chronicle how far we have come over the years.

The farming life is really the ultimate social distancing during these crazy times. We don’t have any outside employees. We run the whole farm with just my husband, myself and our two children.

It is going to be interesting to see how the social distancing is handled once the farmer’s markets open and the crowds descend in order to get all of our local wares.

I think it is especially important to buy local during times like these, not only to support our local farms, but also to ensure the safety and integrity of our fresh food supply.

Chickens on the Farm

I hear talk on the news about meat shortages, but if we are buying local, we can support everyone and make sure that everyone has enough of everything to keep their families fed.

There are some great resources out there for finding farm fresh produce and meats at a farm near you. One of my favorites is Eat Wild, where you can find farms that you can buy direct from hear in New England.

You can check them out here:


Another one of my favorites is yankeefarmersmarket.com.

Here is a great video that shows you what Yankee Farmer’s Market is all about.

They have a great selection of all kinds of meats including:

  • Beef
  • Buffalo
  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Venison
  • Elk
  • Lamb

Very cool place and they have curbside pickup to help ensure social distancing.

That’s enough of my rambling for today.

Check back often to keep up with what is happening at New Hope Farm!



Fall On The Farm

Fall is a special time here on the farm. It is largely a time spent preparing for the long winter to come and while it is a lot of work, it is a beautiful time of year as the temperatures cool and the leaves begin to change.

Fall on the Farm

I am looking forward to slowing down a little after a very busy summer. Now that the pandemic is starting to normalize, things are slowly returning to pre-pandemic times. The farmer’s markets were extremely busy this year compared to last now that people are getting vaccinated and comfortable with moving about the community.

We have plenty of fruits and vegetables to get us through the winter. We have a pig at the butcher which will provide some protein for the winter and Jim will be hunting deer this fall and filling the freezer with venison.

Whitetail deer in our field

Jim’s birthday was last month and I bought him the best climbing tree stand that I could afford to use for deer hunting this year on the farm. It was the least I could do. He works so hard and deer hunting is a great outlet for him where he can be alone and recharge, not to mention help feed our family.

At this point, all of our crops have been harvested and the loft in the barn is full of hay. We have been mending some of the fences and winterizing the farm equipment. We still have apples to pick and the kids are looking forward to that and the apple pies that will not be far behind.

Speaking of the kids, they love fall on the farm. The weather is nice and cool and soon there will be piles of leaves to jump in and pumpkins to carve. I hope they can trick or treat this year for Halloween. It is the kids that I worry about most having to deal with the pandemic.


That is about it for fall on the farm. I’m sure that I will be sharing my thoughts about winter on the farm soon. Winter is a long and dark season that requires a lot of strength to get through until spring, but we will make it. We always do.

A Day at New Hope Farm

Life on a farm can be pretty cool and it has always been a dream of mine, so today I want to share what a day at New Hope Farm is like.

We rise early every morning to the sound of our rooster, George crowing.

Some mornings I feel like it is the most beautiful way to start the day and other mornings I am looking up recipes for coq au vin.

I am usually the first one downstairs and put the coffee on while starting to get breakfast ready.

This is probably my favorite part of the day as I am able to enjoy my first cup of coffee alone in the early morning light reflecting on what the day ahead may bring.

Breakfast is usually a pretty big affair here on the farm.

The smell of eggs and bacon cooking is usually enough to get everybody out of bed and down to the kitchen.

Breakfast on the farm

After breakfast everyone gets washed up and ready for the day as I clean the dishes and straighten up the kitchen.

After that it is outside to work for Jim and I and the kids are always by my side.

Once the morning chores are done, we all meet back in the kitchen for lunch and a short rest before we start the afternoon chores.

Jim heads back out to work first, while I clean up and indulge in one of my new favorite pleasures, a cup of matcha green tea.

I used to drink coffee after lunch, but it always left me crashing before the afternoon work was done.

A good friend of mine was drinking matcha and I decided to try it.


I absolutely love it!

It is grown on Japanese tea farms, but I am definitely going to look into the possibility of growing some here on the farm.

I have tried many different brands of matcha and my favorite so far is Jade Leaf Matcha.

Jade Leaf is no longer my favorite. I absolutely love Tenzo Matcha. It is much better than Jade Leaf and it is cheaper.

Here is the best Tenzo matcha review that I have found.

It gives me the energy that I need to get through the afternoon without that 3pm crash.

Once the afternoon chores are done, we all meet back in the kitchen for dinner.

I love that our kitchen table has become the hub of our home that brings us all together.

I hope that we can continue that tradition as the kids get older.

After dinner, we all retire to the living room to either watch tv or read.

Then it is bath time for the kids and off to bed.

Tomorrow we get up to do it all again!

I absolutely love life on the farm!